There are numerous advantages to using a web hosting provider for your website rather than hosting a site yourself.
They've got round-the-clock support, thorough security, and take on a lot of the burden of administration. Of course, you need to pay for all these things by way of your monthly service charge. If you have a site which doesn't require a lot of bells and whistles, you can host it yourself at home.
Requirements for Hosting Your Own Web Site
There are three basic components you need to host a website at home:
First, you need the ability for your audience to reach your site, which implies a domain name. But chances are your home's internet connection doesn't include a static IP address, so you'll also need to employ dynamic DNS.
In addition, your router is probably configured to reject incoming connection requests—this is how it keeps the machines on your network safe(ish) from Internet n'er-do-wells. So you'll need to make sure that requests for web pages (and only those) are let through your router.
Finally, you'll need a machine within your home network that runs the web server which will serve your content to visitors.
We'll look at each of these components in turn.
Configuring the Domain for Your Self-Hosted Website
Configuring your domain correctly will allow users to plug it into their browsers and have their request forwarded to your home (this isn't as creepy as it sounds). Take the following steps to get this first leg of the journey set up.
- Get a domain name. For visitors to reach your site, in general it's useful to have a domain name. This saves them from the burden of having to remember an IP address like (Lifewire's IP address). You can check our guide to getting your own domain name, which is a relatively easy process.
- Check how your Internet Service Provider (ISP) assigns your IP address. As a consumer, they most likely give you a dynamic IP address, meaning it may change over time. If you're fortunate enough to have a static IP address, you can skip to Step 4.
- If you have dynamic IP, you will need to sign up for dynamic DNS service. This service will regularly update your domain name to point to whichever IP address your ISP assigns you. Take a look at this introduction to DDNS for more details.
- If you have static IP, you'll just need to make sure your domain name (wherever you registered it) points directly to your home's IP address. You can usually do this in the control panel of the service which sold you your domain, by adding an "A record" to it's settings.
Directing Traffic to Your Self-Hosted Website
With a domain name and DDNS in place, you can successfully get requests from your visitors across the Internet to your home network. But they will still need to be let inside. And to do so you'll need to make some changes in your router's configuration. Your goal here will be to take web site requests and make sure they get sent along to web server (more about this server in the next section). If you have a typical consumer-grade router, you have two options here.
- The first is to place your web server in the "de-militarized zone," or DMZ. Your router may have an option to take a machine on your internal network and consider it as part of the greater Internet. This means any machine on the Internet can contact you by IP address or domain name, for better or worse. You won't have to worry about any finicky network configuration, but on the other hand literally anyone on the Internet can try to crack your server.
- Your other option is to set up port forwarding on your router. Usually routers are configured to reject incoming requests, which keeps your home network safe. Setting up a port forward creates an exception to this rule, and instructs the router to forward traffic on a specific port to a specific machine on your internal network. In this way you can set up just HTTP/S web requests (usually on port 80 and/or 443) directly to your web server, without opening up the rest of your home network to the world.
Setting Up Your Self-Hosted Web Server
- First, set up a server machine, which can run Windows or macOS, or even Linux. All of these OSes are capable of serving a small personal site. However for security and performance reasons, it's best to use a computer that's not your primary work machine.
- Make sure the server machine's IP address matches the settings you created for the port forward.
- Next, you'll need to install the web server software itself. There are tons of free-to-use web servers you can install on one of your network machines. One of the most popular is the open source Apache web server.
- Finally, you can upload your site to your server machine. Simply copy static web pages (for example made with a static site generator) to the server's web folder, or optionally install a CMS like WordPress.
Once you've succeeded in all these steps, your audience can visit your very own hosted website.
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